I took an English class about graphic novels my senior year. Our final essay was a report on a comic we read that wasn’t on the curriculum. I wrote about what is probably my favorite book, Pride of Baghdad, an allegory about the Iraq war based on a true story. In April of 2003, a…
Category: Academic
Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee: Protecting Corporations at the Expense of the People
I wrote this paper about the Citizen’s United case for my Free Speech class. It was probably the best class I took while at Hamilton. President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union Address was the cause of some political controversy when Obama criticized the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election and…
Inadvertent Power and Passive Culture in the Middle East: The Role of Western Popular Culture on United States – Iran relations
This was my senior thesis for my government major, examining what role American popular culture plays on Iranian perceptions of the United States. The United States is the central player on the international stage, and while it exports less and less industry, more and more American culture is being shipped overseas. It has become the…